Holiday Saludos Bazaar 2019

Lighting up the Holidays

Come join us to celebrate the holidays in our biggest event of the year. Share the joy of the season and enjoy family, friends, and food—with a Venezuelan twist.

November 24th


3–7 pm


3743 Garnet St

Houston, TX 77005



Whether you want to give a gift as a sponsor, share your flare as a vendor, or join the team as a volunteer, we’re excited to have you.



To make the celebration possible



To share your flare to our guests



To help put on a great event

More than a celebration

Our Holiday Saludos Bazaar is the main fuel for our humanitarian work. The Bazaar not only helps us raise funds to grow our work within Venezuela, but also brings people together to learn about and share the Venezuelan culture—both are integral to our mission at Saludos. Whether you are a sponsor, a vendor, or a guest, we appreciate your help and we hope you enjoy the celebration.